Bielski partisans are guilty of collaboration with Soviet regime, war crimes, murders and executions of civilians and robberies.
Getto żydowskie - Kraków - Polska
With impunity, under the protection of their superiors - Gestapo - they escaped death sentences from the hands of the underground, thanks to many semi-open or well-hidden hideouts.
Jewish Nazi collaborationist organisation in the Warsaw Ghettowhich was vied for control of the ghetto with the Judenrat, and infiltrated the Jewish opposition within the ghetto.
The Polish-Jewish historian and archivist of the Warsaw ghetto, Emanuel Ringelblum, described the cruelty of the Jewish police in the ghetto as "many times greater than the cruelty of the Germans, Ukrainians and Latvians."
Słania's gang quickly gained the worst fame. Its members were armed by the Gestapo. Being aware of the occupant's support, they were committing their crimes semi-openly, blackmailing and even robbing.
A collaborative Jewish organization in the Warsaw Ghetto, established by the Gestapo. It had over 1,000 agents.