Much has been told about the martyrdom of death and the suffering of the Jewish people. And their war experience is undoubtedly one of the most tragic chapter in the history of recent centuries. Much has also been said about the murderers of the Jews.
However not much was said about Jewish crimes against humanity, against individual “goys”, and – above all – against their own brothers, where so many of the shocking acts of genocide, eugenics, sabotage, collaboration with totalitarian regimes, ethnic cleansing, individual executions were performed by representatives of a Jewish community or a Jewish-specifically organisation.
You are invited to discover the sad story, which main task is to fix the record straight and balance the “official, main-stream” history, promoted from around 100 years in the media. The stories you will find here are written by Jews themselves, victims and witnesses of the crimes, some of it comes from released governments’ classified notes, and even from jewish criminals’ interviews.
Intention of this website is not to take anything away from jewish martyrdom or dramatic history through out the ages. However, history is not black and white. And to be as objective as possible, this website doesn’t contain any opinion-forming articles, but ony undenayable, objective, historical facts (easy to verify on-line). This website is not a judge in any case.
Please note, this website is under construction.