No documented historical facts promote hatred. Showing silhouettes of Japanese criminals does not promote hatred towards Japan - it is not a representation of culture and history. Showing the profiles of Polish thugs does not promote hatred towards Poles - this is a social margin by which no nation can be judged. Publishing biographies of American criminals does not propagate hatred towards Americans - these are not people who impacted the evaluation of this country. Hate is promoted by people who don't understand history and misinterpret it.
But... George Santayana said: "A nation that does not know its history is doomed to relive it" - and this is happening before our own eyes. This page - about Jewish crimes - profiles individuals and organisations who seem to be overlooked in the historical and academic space and do not exist in the consciousness of those who are not particularly interested in history. Much has already been said about the crimes of the Germans and no one accuses anyone of spreading hatred; much has also been said about the crimes of the Belgians (in Africa) and there is no question of spreading hatred. We know of many pogroms against Jews, one might even say that they are mythologised, but how many pogroms against other nations by Jews do we know? Can we name even one? What kind of injustice would it be if talking about these historical facts, only in the case of this particular ethnic group, were to spread hatred?
Because there are already many such websites and publications. There is little new to add on this subject. We all know the martyrdom of the Jews - the drama of ordinary people just wanting to live and love. This website is specifically about the crimes of people with origin from one religious group. It is a site like many, like those about Ukrainian executioners, German Nazi doctors, Japanese criminals, or the most famous criminals of the 20th century. Undoubtedly, many Jewish heroes deserve never to disappear from the annals of history - and they will not. But do the criminals deserve to be forgotten after commiting their crimes against people?